How to conduct a virtual or hybrid AGM for your association.

Every society needs to conduct a General Meeting annually (AGM) where audited financial reports are presented and officers are elected. Failure to hold this meeting is a criminal offence. In light of the restrictions put in place on physical gatherings, the Registrar-General of Societies gazetted an advisory on how to conduct virtual/hybrid meetings dated 12th August 2020.

A virtual meeting is where all participants are online, while a hybrid meeting is where some participants are online and some are present in person. The following are steps for a virtual or hybrid meeting:


  1. Prepare a 21 day notice for an AGM and 7 day notice for a Special General Meeting (SGM) and share with the Registrar of Societies.
  2. The notice should include: the agenda, whether it’s an AGM or SGM, whether it’s a virtual or hybrid meeting, technology to be used, and location if a hybrid meeting.
  3. Prior to the meeting the secretary in consultation with the Chairperson ensures that the technological requirements are communicated to the members; that the facilitator is identified to the members; and that meeting procedures are communicated to the members.
  4. The meeting is quorate when 2/3rds of the members are present for an AGM and 1/3rd are present for an SGM.
  5. The chairperson and secretary shall handle all procedural requirements during the meeting.
  6. Voting is be done electronically using the virtual platform.
  7. Minutes of the meeting are reduced into writing after the meeting.
  8. Where a resolution from the meeting needs to be submitted to the registrar, the society shall submit in addition to the normal requirements, video proof of the decision and a list of members in attendance.

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Harry Karanja is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with diplomas in Communication, IT and Consultancy and 13 years experience in commercial law and dispute resolution.

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